fever dream

Dealing in delirium is toying with death
Desperation for absolution of sin is the door to damnation
The dread of the desert had found its next victim
A poetic man, a dullard dominated by delusions of degeneracy

Cumbersome circumstances leave one with the illusion of free will
No stranger to the cruel command of creation, he raised his hands
Carefully cupped by his chest, directed his bones towards the vast expanse
He knew the labyrinth-like ways of the desert, the abominable alleys
How else could he have escaped from the mindless tittering of insanity?

He walked past the jagged crevices; the forlorn paths Marched to the beat, a soldier’s loyalty
Incisions of human frailty, if only the privilege of the aftermath
Steps in a precise cadence, a forced fealty

He made his way, arriving at an isolated cave for a moment’s respite
For he, not a moment had passed; he was summoned yet again
Accepted unreasonable responsibilities dutifully, not a moment’s hesitation
After all, how could he who forgot have known any better

He looked upon his infinite world, the consequence of his actions
Filled with horror, yet simultaneously the greatest delight
This? This was his Frankenstein’s monster
His greatest creation, his final undoing.