
Human beings are weird. We’re filled with this strange sense of inadequacy when placed in a situation of laying ourselves bare; to people, we know very little about. There’s a prevalent thought process among us, a hindering fear of perfection in others that often times stops us from being truly ourselves with people. It’s unfortunate really considering that everyone has something they’re hiding from these seemingly perfect creatures. But you have to admit it is one of the greatest ironies that the very people who just might be able to understand the true nature of the self, are often the ones we lie most afraid of.

Perhaps it’s just a nihilistic approach of life to be grateful of your inadequacies, but I’m comforted by the fact that there’s a lot of things I’m abysmal at, it does accentuate the perpetuity of the hamster wheel model of endlessly running and drives people mad with the point of their existence

While my interpretation of life as a whole and what it offers is borne out of looking at the world through an inexperienced and naive lens, to be forever the learner and experience some of the most surreal things this world has to offer has been what drives me.

Its perhaps a key driving force behind my subconscious pick of friends miles ahead of me in intellect, and sometimes the inadequacy sucks, it leads you to question why you’re here or what’s even the point of doing whatever you are, for there are several better than you.

But just as true is perhaps the childlike joy of seeing things to do, things to look forward to, a perpetual and life-long Indiana Jones adventure.

Maybe our physical appearance and mental appearance fails to please us, maybe we’re unhappy with whatever we’ve achieved but I can’t help but wonder if it’s a subconscious driving force behind wanting to better ourself.

I don’t know about you but I can’t find a better motivator than wanting to be the best you can for the people you love; superficial or not, it shows you care.

That’s something huge, and although it might sound trivial its one of the most important things to learn.

We might not be the smartest, maybe not even the greatest at physical speciality, or several other things, but we’re not bereft of the human emotion of caring.

Maybe that’s all we really need.
